- CAGE (Clean Air Gas Engine) technologies are a range of world leading engine systems for industrial and agricultural machines that use sustainable and net zero emission fuels. CTL and partners also supply solar-battery and wind-battery hybrid generation systems that integrate CAGE engines with other renewable energy sources
- CAGE engine products use any gas fuels including biogas and hydrogen

Our specialist capabilities include
- The design and development of power system controllers
- Engine design and development
- Combustion strategies for efficiency and emissions
- Engine testing, calibration and emissions mitigation
Our partners
CAGE Technologies Ltd has a network of partners who support our mission for clean, affordable power.
With our global focus on providing clean air solutions, we are currently working with key Anaerobic Digester partners in Africa, Asia and Central America especially to provide Biogas powered off grid electricity generation to remote communities.
Within the UK we are working with major national infrastructure projects and the construction companies delivering them. This combination allows us to test and refine the use of novel clean air solutions within the real constraints of operational construction. These deployments allow us to gain the equally valuable perspectives of the sharp end operators, construction industry management and the commissioning bodies.
Supporting us in this endeavour are a number of academic bodies who work with us on technical development as well as providing independent, real world, onsite emissions measurement.
Key to delivery of CAGE solutions are our manufacturing, engineering and technology integration partners. These enable us to build on appropriate existing product platforms. These include the UK automotive industry, engine & generator manufacturers, commercial gas fuel suppliers and suppliers of finished equipment to the construction sector, especially welfare cabins.
CTL has benefitted from R&D funding support from Innovate UK, EU Horizon 2020, the MOD Centre for Defence Enterprise (CDE) and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).
Core Values
Our Mission is to build a resilient business to provide sustainable, clean, affordable power to meet the needs of the communities and customers that we serve. Ultra-low emissions and efficient use of valuable energy are the principal performance criteria of all our products. Creating benefits to health and minimizing the impact of power consumption on climate change.
We aim to develop the best quality products and deliver excellent service
We innovate to deliver new and better technical solutions to the challenges we face in providing energy
We aim to develop lasting, open and mutually beneficial relationships with our customers and suppliers
We have a strong team ethic and appreciate that people are our most valuable asset
We are honest, fair and respectful to all. We operate with integrity at all times.
The team
Paul Andrews
Mechanical Engineer, Business founder and inventor of the Pulse-R engine.
Tom Harrison
Operations Director
Background as Director in large law firm. Solicitor with a life-long engineering background.
Colin Andrews
Business Development
Senior Automotive Business Manager / Engineer at JLR for 30 years. Senior global business manager in China, Thailand, and France.
Jeremy Dale
Lead Engineer Electronics and Control
Electrical Engineer. Former Technical Lead at BAE Systems and designer of gas mixing systems for The MoD.
John Ravenscroft
Lead Engineer Test & Development
Mechanical Engineer and world-leading specialist in engine design and calibration. Led design and development of both production and race engines at TVR.
Simon Hindle
Lead Engineer Mechanical Design
Engine design, manufacturing, and materials specialist. Expert in combustion and calibration. Former chief engineer at Mountune Race Engines
Ian Cooke
15+ years’ advising, building, and investing in business and funds in cleantech and sustainability.
Angela Andrews
General Manager Office
Manages accounts, logistics and HR.
Chris Pakes
Workshop Manager
Responsible for the production of CAGE engines and generators as well as engineering technical support.
Christina Andrews
Project Manager
Responsible for managing detailed project plans for R&D and manufacture.