Hydrogen and hybrid engines
Hydrogen and hybrid engines
CAGE engines are designed to use net zero compliant fuels including hydrogen, e-methane, synthetic butane/propane or bioLPG.
- Net Zero pledges, made at COP26, by countries and companies define the end-game for fossil fuelled engines; with the phasing-out of fossil fuel subsidies.
- Interest in hydrogen engines has been boosted by JCB’s publicity around its hydrogen ICE digger
- Hydrogen, biofuels and synthetic e-fuels made from CCS and renewable energy are the accepted alternatives to red diesel defined by BEIS in the UK.
- Intelligent CAGE engines are designed to use net zero compliant fuels including hydrogen, e-methane, synthetic butane/propane or bioLPG.
- CAGE HGE (hybrid gas engines) are designed to use any of these fuels enabling a future proof solution with easy transition from LPG to hydrogen.
- A hydrogen supply chain will take several years to develop but CAGE HGE engines can be deployed relatively quickly to lower emissions (when used on commercial available gas fuels) and are future proofed as they are able to use zero emissions hydrogen.
- CTL is developing a range of engines in the 2-60kW sector currently served in the UK by tens of thousands of red diesel fuelled machines. With the deployment of the CAGE HGE technology, CTL has a realistic expectation, with the correct levels of incremental funding, to gain at least 20% of this fleet.