CAGE trials biogas generators in Kenya

A small biogas-powered engine and generator developed by Lancaster-based CAGE Technologies Ltd has been trialled with off grid farm businesses in Kenya managed by CTL partner Sistema Bio

A small biogas-powered engine and generator developed by Lancaster-based CAGE Technologies Ltd (CTL) has been trialled with off grid farm businesses in Kenya managed by CTL partner Sistema Bio.

Five 6kW generators, designed in conjuction with Doncaster based Sutton Power Ltd, and developed within the Innovate UK Energy Catalyst programme have been trialled over a 12 month period with excellent results. Engine supplier EP Barrus has also supported the project.

The new CAGE engine uses sophisticated control to deliver the most efficient combustion of biogas to maximise fuel use and minimise emissions, yet in a simple and robust package. It works with fuel containing up to 55% CO2 without compromise.

Further CAGE biogas machines are now being supplied to Sistema Bio for extended trials in India, Africa and Latin America and are now available for sale to biogas projects.

CTL founder and chief executive Paul Andrews said:

“It’s the world’s first small dedicated biogas engine. The farmers in Kenya have been really delighted with its reliable performance that enables farm waste to replace diesel as a fuel with no compromise.

CAGE engines takes conventional engine design and looks at it in a ‘lateral’ way – and does everything slightly differently. That gives significant benefits in efficiency, low emissions and, critically for the market, it’s inexpensive to manufacture.”

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